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Uvea is an inflammatory reaction inside the eye. It affects the pigmented layer of the eye called uvea, which lies beneath the sclera and cornea and comprises of the iris, ciliary body and choroid. Sometimes Uvea can also affect retina, lens, optic nerve and vitreous. Uvea is common in working age adults.

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  1. Blurred Vision
  2. Eye Pain
  3. Sensitivity to light
  4. Decreased Vision
  5. Eye Redness
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  1. Glaucoma
  2. Cataract
  3. Vision loss
  4. Damage of the optic nerve
  5. Detachment of retina
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  • What are the different types of uvea?

    Anterior Uvea- affects the front of the eye, normally the iris (iritis) or the ciliary body (iridocyclitis). Iritis needs quite close monitoring because complications such as raised eye pressure and cataracts could occur.
    Intermediate Uvea- affects the middle of the eye, the ciliary body (cyclitis) or the pars plana (pars planitis). This could also cause floaters.
    Posterior Uvea- affects the back of the eye, the part of the uvea is called the choroid. An inflammation in the choroid is called choroiditis. The inflammation may also arise in, or affect, the retina (retinitis) or the blood vessels at the back of the eye (vasculitis).

  • What is the prognosis?

    Anterior uvea usually has a good prognosis. There is always a risk of repeated attacks in the future.
    Posterior uvea involving central retina can impair visual loss permanently.
    Glaucoma due to uvea is difficult to treat and may cause permanent visual loss.
    Cataract surgery in uvea may have good results if adequate measures are taken.

  • What are the causes of uvea?

    Uvea can occur due to the following:

    • ⦿ Autoimmune and inflammatory conditions
    • ⦿ Injury
    • ⦿ Viral, bacterial or parasitic infections

  • How long will the condition last?

    The condition may prevail for several years. It varies in its severity and can be quite unpredictable in its course. The main concern of the treatment is to thoroughly treat and monitor the inflammation so that minimal or no damage is caused to the eyes.